From the Principal

From the Principal: 6/21/22

From the Principal: 6/21/22

Principal Back shares important last-week-of-school reminders, beginning with Tuesday morning’s 4th Grade Moving On Ceremony and ending with the 4th Grade Walk of Fame on Friday afternoon; announces some Greenwood staffing updates; reminds families that report cards will be available Friday afternoon and classroom assignments will be sent out in August.

From the Principal: 6/13/22

From the Principal: 6/13/22

Principal Back encourages families to check the overflowing lost-and-found; lets us know that information about the Summer Reading Program at the Beebe Library will be shared this week; and continues to share important end-of-year dates.

From the Principal: 6/6/22

From the Principal: 6/6/22

Principal Back reminds families that this Wednesday is an early release day; asks families to check the overflowing lost-and-found; shares information about the Wakefield Co-operative Bank’s Read and Save Summer Adventure Program; and continues to share important end-of-year dates.

From the Principal: 5/23/22

From the Principal: 5/23/22

Principal Back reminds 3rd and 4th grade families of upcoming MCAS testing dates; shares information from Mrs. Beardslee about a free mental health webinar; reminds families that there is no school next Monday (Memorial Day) and provides a list of all end of year dates.