From the Principal

From the Principal: 2/1/21

From the Principal: 2/1/21

Principal Back reminds families of the Specialist Switchover, which begins Monday 2/1, and the hybrid snow day schedule (in case we need it this week!); shares counseling resources; announces WEF’s Virtual Family Trivia Night; and reiterates reminders about Health procedures, technology support, and February Grab-and-Go lunches.

From the Principal: 1/11/21

From the Principal: 1/11/21

Principal Back addresses last week’s events and shares some resources for discussing them with children; reminds families of the upcoming Specialist Switchover and the Wee the People workshops that every grade 2-4 class will participate in; shares important information about home-school communication during required quarantine/isolation; and shares messages about upcoming community events — the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. & Coretta Scott King Day Celebration and the Wakefield Community Mental Health Forum.

From the Principal: 1/4/21

From the Principal: 1/4/21

Principal Back reminds us of the hybrid schedule which resumes Monday 1/4 and shares important literacy and technology updates, as well as Grab-and-Go Lunch and health reminders.

From the Principal: 12/21/20

From the Principal: 12/21/20

Principal Back provides the schedule for this week’s remote learning model, and an updated early release day schedule for this Wednesday; announces school Spirit Days for this Monday and Tuesday; shares literacy and technology updates; and reminds families that December break begins Thursday.

From the Principal: 12/14/20

From the Principal: 12/14/20

Principal Back provides more details about this Wednesday’s virtual Cultural Arts program for all students and the early release day schedule for December 23rd; shares information about the Greenwood School Council and the W.E.F. Stars program; and passes along other district news.

From the Principal: 12/7/20

From the Principal: 12/7/20

Principal Back provides information about academic support for students in quarantine; shares reminders about specialists classes and Grab & Go Lunches; previews an upcoming Cultural Arts virtual program for all students; and shares information about a mask drive and an upcoming parent workshop from the SEEM Collaborative.

From the Principal: 11/16/20

From the Principal: 11/16/20

Principal Back reiterates important safety and health guidelines and urges families to remain vigilant both in and out of school, reminds families that face masks must be worn on the playground, and shares the resources for Social-Emotional support that were presented at last week’s PTO meeting.

From the Principal: 11/9/20

From the Principal: 11/9/20

Principal Back reminds us of this Wednesday’s no-school day and announces School Spirit Pajama Day for this Friday. Also included are important updates about reusable containers for snacks and the half day schedule on the day before Thanksgiving, and information about the eventual specialists’ schedule switch.

From the Principal: 11/2/20

From the Principal: 11/2/20

Principal Back reminds us of this Tuesday’s no-school day as well as Thursday evening’s Virtual Curriculum Night; provides an update about iReady diagnostic testing; shares reminders about parking lot safety, Grab & Go lunches, and technology support; and announces an open parent position on the School Council.

From the Principal: 10/26/20

From the Principal: 10/26/20

Principal Back announces “Fun Fall Friday” for this week and the "Pumpkin Drop" composting next Monday, and reminds us that there is no school next Tuesday 11/3. Families are asked to complete the Family Feedback Survey and to Save the Date for Greenwood Curriculum Night, on Thursday 11/5. A few other important reminders are included, as well!