From the Principal: 9/27/21

Dear Greenwood Families,

Happy Monday!  It was great to see so many of you virtually for Back to School Night!  If you weren’t able to attend and have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out and ask.  Good communication is so important to building and maintaining a strong home-to-school connection, and we want to be the best team possible for our Gators!

Safety Drills

Last Wednesday, Greenwood had our first official fire drill of the school year.  Students and staff exited the building quickly and safely, which made our Wakefield Fire Department representatives very happy!  We will continue to practice safety drills and procedures throughout the year - more to come!

“Test & Stay” Program Signup

Right before school started, a letter was sent out to families describing Wakefield’s plans for COVID testing within schools.  One of the items included in this letter is a link to the consent form for the “Test & Stay” program.  This program allows students who have had close contact while at school with someone who tested positive to remain in school if not showing symptoms.  We are just about ready to be able to launch, however, you must give consent in advance if you want your child to be able to participate. Children who are not signed up and who are close contacts with someone at school will have to follow quarantine guidelines.  If you have not yet signed your child up for this program, please follow the link in this letter to do so.  Any questions can be directed to me or to our school nurse, Mary Doherty.

October Lunch Survey

As mentioned in last week’s newsletter, we have had a tremendous response to school lunches!  In order to try and streamline things on our end, we will send October’s survey in two parts.  The first survey is for October 4th through 15th only and will be sent out via School Messenger to all families midweek.  Again, it is very important that you let us know if your child is going to take a school lunch so that we have enough food on hand, but we understand that plans can change suddenly!  Please fill out the survey once for each child.  If you have to make changes after that, please email Ms. Paiva directly.  Thanks!

Save the Date - Illustrative Math Family Introduction, Tuesday, October 5th

As was mentioned last week during our Greenwood Back to School Night, WPS has a new math curriculum this year!  We are launching Illustrative Mathematics (IM) for students in grades K-12, and we know that families may have questions about this new program.  Valerie Drinan (Elementary STEM Coordinator) and Lindsay Mosca (5-12 Math Coordinator) will be holding two IM Family Introduction Sessions which will be held on Tuesday October 5th. Families can attend either session at 9-10am or 7-8pm. 

Zoom Meeting Info: 

Join Zoom Meeting: 

Meeting ID: 869 2792 4165

Greenwood Picture Day - Thursday, October 7th

Just a heads up that picture day will be here before we know it!  We will have individual photos as usual, and we plan to do group photos by class outside.  More information should be coming to you via email from O’Connor Studios soon.

Wakefield Academy

If you did not see the email sent out last week by Estelle Burdick, the monthly enrollment schedule for October is open!  Please visit the Wakefield Academy website to complete your child’s registration or for more information.

Greenwood School Social Media

We are on Facebook and Instagram!  If you follow us already, you got to see some pictures from K9 Samy’s visit to Greenwood on Wednesday morning.  Check us out - @wpsgreenwood on both Instagram and Facebook!

Health Reminder - Stay Vigilant!

Thank you for supporting us in our efforts to keep everyone safe by practicing and promoting safety precautions, which include hand hygiene and mask-wearing according to current guidelines.  We continue to ask you to keep children home if they are experiencing any of the following symptoms:

  • Fever of 100.0 or higher, chills, or shaking chills

  • Cough (not due to other known cause such as chronic cough, asthma, allergies)

  • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath

  • New loss of taste or smell

  • Muscle aches or body aches

  • Sore throat, when in combination with other symptoms

  • Headache, when in combination with other symptoms

  • Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, when in combination with other symptoms

  • Fatigue, when in combination with other symptoms

  • Nasal congestion or runny nose (not due to other known causes, such as allergies) when in combination with other symptoms

Our school nurse, Mrs. Doherty, is always happy to answer any questions you may have or provide clarification.

As always, please do not hesitate to reach out with questions.  Thank you for everything you do to support your children and their learning!  Let’s have a great week!

Tiffany Back