From the Principal: 9/30/19

Dear Greenwood Families,

I don’t know about you, but I keep feeling a moment of surprise when I realize that we’re on the verge of October. Those random warm, humid days last week didn’t help! However, I did notice trees with changing leaves as I drove to work today, and the mornings have been a little crisper and cooler than they were at the beginning of September.  Whether you think of it as “apple-picking weather,” “good running weather,” or the ever-popular “apple cider donut-eating weather,” I hope your family had time this past weekend to enjoy it!

International Walk to School Day

Wednesday, October 2nd is International Walk to School Day, so if you are able, leave your car at home and walk to school with your child that day!  We will have a poster for children to sign and stickers to highlight the event on the playground. Mr. Hennessey, Mrs. Doherty and I will be on hand to hand out the prizes to students starting at 8:30 am.

Inclement Weather Reminder

Speaking of walking to school, we would just like to remind everyone that on bad-weather days, students will enter the building when the bell rings at 8:30am and line up in the gym instead of outside.  Wakefield Academy uses the gym for the before-school program, so please make sure your child is prepared for any weather situation they may experience while they wait outside for the bell to ring at 8:30am - umbrellas, raincoats, warmer clothing, etc.  

October Safety Month

During the month of October, we will be spending some time at Greenwood practicing more of our required safety drills and making sure students and staff know what to do “just in case.”  As we coordinate dates with the town, we will be sure to communicate them to you in order to facilitate conversations with your children!  

Evacuation Walk Practice

On Friday, October 11th, Greenwood students and staff will practice the procedure for leaving the school and relocating to an off-campus site. The initial steps for leaving the building are the same as for a fire drill, which we have already practiced as individual classrooms and as a whole school.  In the case of an event where students and staff are not safely able to re-enter the building after evacuating, we walk to our designated reunification site, the Most Blessed Sacrament Parish at 1155 Main Street. Our evacuation practice will begin at 9:00 a.m., and we should be back to school no later than 9:45am. A police detail will be present to assist us in street crossings. Keep your fingers crossed for a sunny day!

Lost and Found

Wondering where your child’s sweatshirt has gone?  Or ALL of their sweatshirts? The lost-and-found bin outside the library is overflowing with items that we have found on the playground or in the hallways.  Please take a moment to come check it out!   

Thank you for everything you do to support your children and their learning - let’s have a great week!

Tiffany Back