From the Principal: 10/7/19

Dear Greenwood Families,

Happy Monday! One of my favorite parts of the day is morning arrival, because it’s an opportunity to greet and welcome everyone into the school day. All of the adults here at Greenwood work hard to build connections with your children and model the behaviors we want to see. Whether it’s a big smile and eye contact, a friendly “Good Morning!,” or taking a moment to share a quick conversation, these are the things that help make Greenwood a welcoming and inclusive community.

Early Release - Wednesday 10/9

Wednesday, October 9th is an early release day for our students. Lunch will be served at school before we dismiss at 11:55am.  

School Picture Day - Thursday 10/10

Say cheese! School pictures will be taken on Thursday, October 10th. This will include individual student photos, class photos, and the 4th grade “graduation” picture.

Evacuation Walk Practice - Friday 10/11

On Friday, October 11th, Greenwood students and staff will practice the procedure for leaving the school and relocating to an off-campus site. The initial steps for leaving the building are the same as for a fire drill, which we have already practiced as individual classrooms and as a whole school. In the case of an event where students and staff are not safely able to re-enter the building after evacuating, we walk to our designated reunification site, the Most Blessed Sacrament Parish at 1155 Main Street. Our evacuation practice will begin at 9:00 a.m., and we should be back to school no later than 9:45am. A police detail will be present to assist us in street crossings. Keep your fingers crossed for a sunny day!

No School - Monday, 10/14

Just a reminder that there is NO SCHOOL on Monday, October 14th.  Enjoy the three-day weekend!

Upcoming All-School Meeting - Hosted by 4th Grade

On Thursday, October 17th, our 4th graders will host the next Greenwood All-School Meeting and teach us about “Perseverance.”  They will also perform a song or two for their fellow students with the help of Mrs. Brighenti, our music teacher! Families are welcome to come sit up in the balcony and watch the assembly. Please note that assemblies this year are starting at 8:50am - this is a change from previous years.

Thank you for everything you do to support your children and their learning - let’s have a great week!

Tiffany Back