From the Principal: 9/23/19

Dear Greenwood Families,

It was wonderful to see so many of you last Tuesday for our Back to School Night, and I hope that you found the time with the teachers to be informative! The school/home connection is an extremely important part in making your child’s learning experience a successful one. When children see that the adults in their life are invested in and committed to growing a love of learning, it sets a foundation for everything that lies ahead of them. We are all better when we work together!

Early Release Wednesday, 9/25

Just a reminder that Wednesday, 9/25 is an early release day for our students.  Lunch will be served at school before we dismiss at 11:55am.  

Greenwood Specialist Teachers

For those of you who didn’t have a chance to speak with our specialists last week, you can click on the links for some information about the teaching and learning taking place in Art, Music, and PE.  (Library information will be coming soon!) If you have any questions for Mrs. Drago, Mrs. Brighenti, or Mr. Hennessey, please feel free to reach out to them!

Greenwood Lunch Volunteers

We are always grateful to anyone who is able to take some time out of their day and volunteer in our cafeteria during lunchtime.  The kids get a kick out of seeing their family members here too! Our Sign-Up Genius link makes it easy to select those days/times that fit into your schedule.  Thank you in advance for your help!

Elementary Student/Parent Handbook Update - Volunteering & Digital Etiquette 

The Elementary Student/Parent Handbook is filled with a lot of information about procedures followed by all four elementary schools in Wakefield, and while there are many parts of it that remain constant from year to year, there have been some updates for this year.  On pages 37-39, there is some updated language around volunteering in school and digital etiquette regarding taking pictures or video during school events. Thanks for your attention to these sections!  

Thank you for everything you do to support your children and their learning—let’s have a great week!

Tiffany Back