Just because you haven't found your talent, does not mean you don't have one.
Dear Parents,
Congratulations to our third and fourth grade students that taught our entire school all they have learned about recycling. Many thanks to Rick Stinson, Director of Public Works who has been a wonderful partner with the Greenwood School supporting our third and fourth grade students as they learn about the big and small ways they can reduce their environmental footprints. Rick helped to coordinate a field trip to the recycling plant in Saugus for our students and has been supporting our evolving Community Garden. Thank you to our team of teachers, Mrs. Campbell, Ms. Koplik, Mrs. Pirrello and Mrs. Braham for creating authentic learning opportunities for our students’ voices to be heard through reading, researching, and writing!. Be sure to ask your children what they learned about reducing, reusing, and recycling last week at school!
A reminder that parent/teacher conferences will be held Wednesday, March 28th and Wednesday, April 4th. Both days will be early release days for students. Evening conferences will be scheduled from 5:00-7:00 PM on Wednesday, March 28th. Our specialists will be at Greenwood the following days/times. Please feel free to email them should you wish to speak with them or stop by their classrooms!
School will be closed Friday, April 30th in observance of Good Friday.
Amy Drago - Art teacher
12:30 - 3:15 PM and
5:00 - 7:00 PM Wednesday, March 28th
Debra Duggan - Library Media Specialists
5:45 - 7:00 Wednesday, March 28th and
12:00 - 3:15 PM on Wednesday, April 4th
Patrick Hennessey - PE teacher
12:30 - 3:15 PM Wednesday, March 28th
Kristin Dunlap (long term substitute music teacher)
12:30 - 3:15 PM Wednesday, March 28th
Have a great week!