Students Learn Great Recycling Lessons


In February, our fourth grade students took a field trip to the Greenworks recycling plant in Peabody, MA. Facilitated by the PTO and fourth grade teaching staff, the students got an inside view of how our recycling is processed. But our students didn’t keep their new knowledge to themselves.

The third and fourth grade kids presented recycling information at March’s all school meeting. Attended by Rick Stinson, Wakefield DPW director, he explained how recycling helps our town and taught students how to recycle smartly.  The town donated a rain barrel that was raffled off to the students. Winner Maddy Walsh generously donated her prize back to the Greenwood School for use in the community garden.


This spring, our garden efforts continue to grow with a new sensory area thanks to funding by the Wakefield Educational Foundation (WEF).  Support from The Savings Bank will allow Green City Growers to connect with our students and educate them on planting and maintaining vegetable plants.

If you have any ideas or interest in helping our growth, please contact Sara Colvin at