Wakefield Elementary Libraries are collecting materials to help with our makerspace initiative. Makerspaces are spaces where students can imagine, explore, create, design, build, and collaborate. A place where mistakes are ok and challenges are seen as an opportunity to learn and improve. The Makerspaces will be STEAM driven with something for everyone! We are asking for the following household materials in order to bring the maker initiative to Wakefield Elementary Libraries.
We are not asking you to purchase items on the list, we are just hoping you might have some extra at home. Materials may be dropped off in the Library (look for the large makerspace donation box).
We're looking for
- Legos, K’nex, Tinker Toys and Lincoln Logs (used or outgrown pieces or sets)
- Yarn, ribbon, gimp, embroidery thread, and string
- Cotton fabric (quilting or sewing)
- Cardboard (clean, broken down cardboard boxes)
- Cardboard egg cartons
- Gift boxes & wrapping paper
- Paper towel rolls & toilet paper rolls
- Puzzle pieces
- Bubble wrap
- Foam & poster board
- Solo cups (16 oz.) & Dixie cups (9oz)
- Clothespins (wooden)
- Felt and pipe cleaners
- Buttons and pom poms
- Marbles and bottle caps
- Magnets (not decorative)
- Popsicle sticks, tongue depressors, toothpicks, straws, stirrers
- Styrofoam balls, pieces, etc.
- Stick on gems or googly eyes
- Tape duct tape, scotch, masking and colored