Greenwood's Google Expeditions Showcased at Superintendent Meeting 


On Friday, October 27,  Laura Hubert gave Superintendent Dr. Kim Smith and the Wakefield PTO boards a great demonstration of Greenwood's Google Expedition technology. Thanks to a grant from the Wakefield Educational Foundation (WEF) and a donation from the Greenwood PTO, we were able to purchase a set of these virtual reality devices and a corresponding teacher tablet.

With over 600 lessons available (and more added daily) the virtual reality technology greatly enhances students' existing curriculum. The devices and lesson plans have already created quite a buzz in the school system, and today's meeting allowed others to test out the functionality.

So next time your students have a lesson on the U.S. monuments, don't be surprised if they come home and tell you they walked around the Lincoln Memorial...or the pyramids of Egypt...or the surface of Mars.