From the PTO

Welcome Back!

We hope you all had a wonderful summer! 

We look forward to seeing a lot of you again and meeting some of you first the time, at Back to School Night September 21st and at our first PTO meeting, Tuesday, October 11th, 7PM.

Please mark your calendars for PTO meetings the 2nd Tuesday of each month
at 7 PM - and make it when you can!

We are currently transtitioning information from email driven communications to this website. We expect it to grow quickly this fall.  

Your PTO champions the Greenwood School community through many programs that enrich each child's elementary experience:

  • The Gator Gallop is the core fundraising vehicle for our school, enabling or many initiatives, and is an awesome family, school spirit, health and wellness, and community event. And we will definitely be looking for help.
  • Family Dances and Parties create a great opportunity for families to engage with the school community in a relaxed manner.
  • Cultural Arts and Science Events encourage student intellectual growth and foster curiosity.
  • Field Day generates student spirit to the point that the school effervesces with joy and energy!

And that is just a sampling of the initiatives we drive or are a part of. We also strive to educate and empower families with school- and community-related information and to support the larger community by giving back. There is so much that the PTO is involved in and depended on for. We look forward to your ideas and your help!  

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us!

Your PTO Board