From the Principal: 9/12/22

Dear Greenwood Families,

Last week was just a jump start…now we’re ready to dive into the first full week of the school year!  

Amidst all the busy-ness of the opening of school, I want to take a moment to stop and reflect on the anniversary of 9/11.  Everyone remembers where they were that day, and for me that was Day 8 with my 5th graders in my second year of teaching.  There is so much one could say about that day and the following days/months/years, but I will leave it at this: educators spend a lot of time building classroom and school communities where children feel safe, supported, and secure every day so that when bad things happen, we can move forward together.  As I said to those 10- and 11-year olds on Day 9, “Your parents wouldn’t send you to school if they didn’t think it was safe.”  We take that responsibility very seriously at Greenwood and throughout WPS, and we deeply appreciate your faith and support in our work.  

Beginning of School Paperwork

For those of you who remember the big packet of papers that used to come home with your child at the start of each school year, we’re trying to save some trees!  On Friday afternoon, families should have received an email with the subject line “Beginning of School Paperwork.”  In the letter attached to the message, there are links to various WPS forms and policies.   Please carefully review the information and complete any necessary forms as soon as possible.   

If your family did NOT receive this email, or if you need a hard copy of a form, please let Ms. Paiva know right away.

Greenwood Back-to-School/Curriculum Night

We are looking forward to welcoming families back to school AT school (yes, in person!) on Thursday, September 22nd.  This will be a night for parents/guardians to spend some time at Greenwood, meet staff members, and hear from classroom teachers about classroom procedures and grade-level curriculum.  The whole evening will run from 6:30-8:00pm, with staggered times for K-2 and 3-4.  We’re still tweaking the exact schedule, and I will send that out once confirmed.  

Safety Practices

As mentioned by Superintendent Doug Lyons in his opening message and last week’s community call, Wakefield Public Schools is committed to reinforcing and improving our school safety practices and protocols.  Our WPS District Crisis Team will continue to meet throughout the school year to plan and prepare for all things related to school safety. On the Greenwood side, throughout the months of September and October we will be scheduling dates for fire drills, shelter-in-place events, and ALICE drills.  While nobody wants to have to use them for real, it’s important to know what to do in case of an event.  More information will be forthcoming!

Greenwood School Social Media

We are on Facebook and Instagram!  Check us out - @wpsgreenwood on both Instagram and Facebook!

As always, please do not hesitate to reach out with questions.  Thank you for everything you do to support your children and their learning!  Let’s have a great week!

Tiffany Back