From the Principal: 5/3/21

Dear Greenwood Families,

Happy Monday!  We had a great first week back after break - it hardly took any time at all to get back into the swing of things.  Having our AuthorFest visits from Matt Tavares and Scott Magoon last week also helped to liven up our schedules and inspire our Greenwood authors and illustrators to keep working hard on their own story and book projects.  As we dive into the month of May(!), we have so many great learning opportunities ahead of us.  Let’s go!    

Grab & Go Lunch Survey for May

An email went out via School Messenger last Thursday about signing up for Grab & Go lunches - please be sure and fill out the survey if you want your child to access the free lunches here at school.

MCAS Testing Dates - Grades 3 & 4
MCAS testing will be held this year for 3rd and 4th graders, although in a modified format.  Instead of two sessions per subject area, students will have one session for English Language Arts and one session for Math.  We have scheduled the following test dates for all in-person learners:

  • ELA - Monday, June 7th

  • Math - Tuesday, June 8th

FYI - all testing will start at the beginning of the school day.

For 3rd and 4th grade students in the Full Remote model, remote administration of MCAS will be available.  However, it is also an option to have your child come to Greenwood to complete testing in person.  More information about this and the dates for Remote MCAS administration (early June TBD) will be sent in a separate message.

Updated Protocol for Quarantining Students

Over April break, DESE released new guidance related to quarantine when students are close contacts in the classroom or on the bus.  This guidance has been adopted by the Board of Health and will be WPS practice moving forward.

As approved by EOHHS, in consultation with the Governor’s Medical Advisory Board on COVID-19 and other medical advisors,

  • Close contacts who were exposed to a COVID-19 positive individual in the classroom or on the bus while both individuals were masked do not have to quarantine unless they were within 3 feet of distance of the COVID-19 positive individual for a total of 15 minutes during a 24-hour period. This does not apply if someone was identified as a close contact outside of the classroom or bus (e.g., in sports, extracurriculars, lunch, etc.) or if masks are not worn by both persons at the time of the exposure. All other close contacts must follow the standard protocol for when a close contact may return to school.

Please note: there is no change in the definition of a close contact.  Someone who is within 6 feet of an individual who has tested positive for COVID for at least 15 minutes during a 24-hour period is considered a close contact, and state guidance does still suggest that a close contact “should get tested, actively monitor for symptoms, and implement the other key health and safety practices.”  What *has* changed is that there is no longer the automatic mandate to quarantine someone who is a close contact if they meet the guidelines described in the language above.  Please feel free to reach out to our school nurse, Mary Doherty, or me if you would like further clarification about this.

Mask Protocols

As you are most likely aware, Governor Baker has loosened the outdoor mask mandate. Starting Friday, April 30th, masks are no longer required outdoors as long as social distancing can be maintained. However, please note that the change does not apply to public schools. During the school day, we will continue to follow the mask protocols that we have had in place all year.  Everyone - children and adults alike - must be wearing masks in the presence of others when not strictly socially distanced on a mask break or eating lunch.  This goes for outdoor time as well - think of it as “masks on whenever in motion.”

Wakefield Educational Foundation is looking for Student ART!

Each year, the WEF Calendar showcases close to 100 pieces of art from Wakefield students K-12.  In a typical year, the WEF calendar committee photographs art pieces at the annual district-wide Visual Arts show for possible inclusion in the calendar.  In place of the Art show this year, we are reaching out directly to elementary school students and their parents to submit high quality photos of 1-2 pieces of your child's favorite art created during this school year.  Preferably, selections should come from art teacher-directed projects, but favorite personal projects are fine as well.  Please note:  all submissions are greatly appreciated but with limited space, the decision on which art is selected to appear in the 2021-22 WEF Calendar is made by the designer with the theme in mind. Thanks in advance for your help-I hope you will participate and help WEF continue its tradition of honoring student artists and the Wakefield School's art program!  

  1. **ALL high quality JPGs should be named with First and Last Name of Student Artist as you would like it to appear, School and Grade (e.g. John Doe_Walton_4)

  2. Deadline:  Please send images by Sunday, May 9, 2021

  3. Email for Submission:


MA Safe Routes to School - Wednesday, May 5th

Massachusetts Walk, Bike, and Roll to School Day is Wednesday, May 5th!  Many of our Greenwood families already travel to school via safe, active commutes, and this is a day when everyone in the Commonwealth is encouraged to do so as well.  Wakefield police officers will be on site at each of the schools to welcome all our walkers, bikers, and rollers that morning.


Upcoming Virtual Community Event for Parents, Caregivers, and Families

On Tuesday, May 25th, the William James College Child and Mental Health Initiative is hosting a virtual conversation with Dr. Malena Banks and Dr. Maryam Jernigan-Noesi, authors of the new children’s book I Miss My Friend.  This event will run from 5:30-7:00pm, and it is free and open to the public.  The authors will discuss the impacts of the pandemic and share tips that caretakers can use to help promote the emotional well-being of children during unpredictable times.  Please register at this link.

Health Reminder - Stay Vigilant!

Thank you for supporting us in our efforts to keep everyone safe by practicing and promoting safety precautions, which include hand hygiene, mask-wearing, social distancing, and avoiding group gatherings and travel to high-risk states where the rates of transmission are high (here is a link to the MA Travel Guidelines, in case a need to travel out of state arises). We are also asking for you to keep children home if they are experiencing any of the following symptoms:

  • Fever of 100.0 or higher, and/or chills

  •  Cough (not due to other known cause such as chronic cough, asthma, allergies)

  •  Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath

  • New loss of taste or smell

  • Sore throat

  • Headache when in combination with other symptoms

  • Muscle aches or body aches

  • Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea

  • Fatigue when in combination with other symptoms

  • Nasal congestion or runny nose when in combination with other symptoms and not due to other known  causes such as allergies

  • Unusual rash when in combination with other symptoms

Our school nurse, Mrs. Doherty, is always happy to answer any questions you may have or provide clarification.

As always, please do not hesitate to reach out with questions.  Thank you for everything you do to support your children and their learning!

Tiffany Back