From the Principal: 03/02/25

Dear Greenwood Families,

Happy Monday!  We all know that they say March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb, so we’ll have to see what still lies ahead of us weather-wise.  But after the mild temperatures last week, spring is certainly on everyone’s minds!  It’s a little hard to believe that we’ve only been back from February break for one week - everyone is working hard, staying busy, and having fun - let’s keep it up!

Greenwood All-School Meeting on 3/4 - Kindergarten Hosting

We will have our Kindergarten-hosted All-School Meeting on Tuesday, March 4th starting at 9:00am.  At these meetings, each grade level is responsible for sharing about a positive attribute that we want our Greenwood community to embrace and embody.  Our Kindergarten students will be teaching us about “empathy” at the next gathering!  We would like to invite Kindergarten parents/guardians to attend if you are able to do so.  (Seating will be up in the balcony.) 

Greenwood Science Fair

The Greenwood Science Fair will take place on Saturday, March 15th from 9:00-10:30am in the Greenwood Gym.  We’re hoping to see lots of scientific Gator minds participating!  Visit the linked web page for more information and to register - those who sign up by Wednesday, March 5th are guaranteed a Science Fair t-shirt!

Spring Conferences

We're still a little ways out from these dates, but they will sneak up on us quickly!  Our first date for spring conferences is on Thursday, April 3rd which is an early release day for students.  There will be time slots for both afternoon and evening conferences on that day.  Our second conference day is Friday, April 4th, another early release day, and time slots for afternoon conferences will be available.  Teachers will be reaching out with the sign up times options.  Please note: the format of conferences is up to family preference.  Both in-person and Zoom conferences are options for any given time - please let your child’s teacher know which you would like to have.  Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions about this!

Wakefield Human Rights Commission - International Women’s Day Forum

On Thursday, March 6th, the Wakefield Human Rights Commission (WHRC) will commemorate International Women's Day with an event featuring a panel of women sharing their experiences and work in relation to this year’s theme, “Accelerating Action.”  This special program will be presented from 7- 8:30 p.m. in the Wakefield Memorial HS theater, with a reception to follow.

WPS Parent University

Wakefield’s 2025 Parent University will take place on Saturday, March 8 from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Galvin Middle School. All parents and caregivers are invited to attend this free event featuring more than a dozen workshops, a keynote session, and meet-and-greet opportunities with local organizations. Wakefield Academy will provide free childcare. 

The event will kick off with keynote speaker Linda Price. Price, a Licensed Educational Psychologist, will dive into why your well-being is the secret ingredient to successful parenting at any stage! You’ll walk away with simple, actionable strategies for juggling the many hats you wear as a parent while taking care of yourself. 

Following the keynote will be casual, interactive workshops facilitated by Wakefield Public Schools staff and community partners, that cover a variety of topics spanning all grade levels. From “Early Childhood Milestones” to “College Planning,” there’s something for everyone. Register for your sessions and sign up for on-site childcare at

Translation services will be available.

Lunchroom Volunteers

Our faithful volunteers will be delighted to know that the Sign-Up Genius has been cleaned up - no more scrolling through months of old dates to get to current opportunities!

Do you have any free time between 12:00-1:10pm on school days?  Looking for a way to help out at Greenwood?  Come join us as a  lunchroom volunteer!  If you’d like to come in and help support students while they’re eating lunch, please see the linked Sign-Up Genius to select time slots all the way up until April break!.  Single days, multiple days, one time slot, the whole lunch block…we welcome any and all helpers!

Lunchroom volunteers will help students with those tricky thermoses, hand out napkins and utensils, support students while they sort items into composting/food rescue/trash, and help clean tables at the end of each lunch.  Oh, and the most important thing - bring smiles and laughter!

NOTE: You will need to have a CORI form completed before coming in for any lunch shifts - please contact Ms. Paiva about the process or to check if you have a current one on file

Keep the volunteers coming!  Kids love to see everyone at lunchtime!

Greenwood School Social Media

We are on Facebook and Instagram, and one of my personal goals this year is to show off the fun we’re having throughout Greenwood!  Check us out - @wpsgreenwood on both Instagram and Facebook!

As always, please do not hesitate to reach out with questions.  

Thank you for everything you do to support your children and their learning!  Let’s have a great week!

Tiffany Back

Principal, Greenwood School