From the Principal: 9/8/24

Dear Greenwood Families,

Happy Sunday!  We’ve experienced a Thursday schedule and a Friday schedule (and our first “pizza day” of the year) it’s time to see what the rest of the week is like!  I hope your child enjoyed their first days of school as much as the Greenwood staff did.  The school just isn’t the same without all that energy!  This is going to be another great year of learning and growing together!  

Beginning of the Year Paperwork

Families received an email from Ms. Paiva on Friday with a letter linking to the “paperwork” that is required at the start of the school year.  Please be sure to complete the required items in a timely manner, and don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions.

Rolling Arrival

It was a lot of fun to see all of Greenwood School lined up out back on the first two days of school!  That being said, if you were there you also saw that it *can* be a little overwhelming.  Not to mention that it takes a long time to get everyone inside!  So on Monday morning, we will begin our “rolling arrival” procedure.  Please note that there is no supervision outside prior to 8:30am - any student arriving before that time will wait outside until the doors open (bring those umbrellas on rainy days!).

  • 8:30am - 1st bell rings, back doors open, students enter the building and go to their classroom

  • 8:30-8:40am - student arrival window

  • 8:40am - 2nd bell rings, back doors close

Students arriving after 8:40am must enter through the front door of the school and sign in at the office.  (They do NOT need to be signed in by a parent/guardian.)  They will then proceed to their classroom with a tardy slip.

We will have staff members at the back doors ready and able to support students as they enter.  Getting to greet students as they arrive makes for a wonderful start to each and every day!

Dismissal Crowds

We do love to see everyone gathering at dismissal to pick up students!  However, we ask that family members stand away from the building (closer to the basketball court) both while waiting for and during the actual dismissal process to provide room for all teachers to be able to bring their classes out and dismiss them in an organized fashion.  Please let your child give the “thumbs up” or “I see mine!” signal to their teacher and then come to you, rather than walking up to them.  Thank you for your cooperation with this!

Save the Date - Greenwood Back-to-School/Curriculum Night

The kids have been here, and next we are looking forward to welcoming families to our “back to school” night on Thursday, September 19th.  This will be a night for adults to spend some time at Greenwood, meet staff members, and hear from classroom teachers about classroom procedures and grade-level curriculum.  The whole evening will run from 6:00-7:30pm, with staggered classroom times for K-2 and 3-4.  We’re still tweaking the exact schedule, and I will send that out by the end of this week.  

Updating Parent/Guardian Contacts in PowerSchool

It’s really important that we have updated contact information for your family in our PowerSchool system, as that is how we reach you with important information!  Following are instructions on reviewing and updating the parent/guardian contacts for your student in the PowerSchool Parent Portal.

If you don't have a logon to the Parent Portal, please contact the school that your student is in.  A list of who to contact at each building is on the last page of the linked document.

If you can't remember your username or password, click on the Forgot Username or Password link on the main login screen.

The URL to connect to the portal is:

If you have a Parent Portal Logon, you can add, delete and update contacts.  You will need to email the school in order to change the order of the contacts if needed.

The technology department can not give you access codes of any students.  You must go through the school that your child is attending.

Updating Parent/Guardian Contact information 

Note:  It may take several days before your updates/additions are approved and uploaded into PowerSchool.  Each change must be reviewed by a staff member before being approved.

Lunchroom Volunteers

It was so wonderful to see some smiling volunteers on the first two days of school!  And many more signed up already for this week!

Do you have any free time between 12:00-1:10pm on school days?  Looking for a way to help out at Greenwood?  We are finally bringing back lunchroom volunteer opportunities!  If you’d like to come in and help support students while they’re eating lunch, please see the linked Sign-Up Genius to select time slots through the end of September.  Single days, multiple days, one time slot, the whole lunch block…we welcome any and all helpers!

Lunchroom volunteers will help students with those tricky thermoses, hand out napkins and utensils, support students while they sort items into composting/food rescue/trash, and help clean tables at the end of each lunch.  Oh, and the most important thing - bring smiles and laughter!

NOTE: You will need to have a CORI form completed before coming in for any lunch shifts - please contact Ms. Paiva about the process or to check if you have a current one on file

Greenwood School Social Media

We are on Facebook and Instagram, and one of my personal goals this year is to show off the fun we’re having throughout Greenwood!  Check us out - @wpsgreenwood on both Instagram and Facebook!

As always, please do not hesitate to reach out with questions.  

Thank you for everything you do to support your children and their learning!  Let’s have a great start to the school year!

Tiffany Back