Dear Greenwood Families,
“March comes in a like a lion and out like a lamb” according to popular wisdom, and last week’s snow event certainly got us off to a roaring start! It’s clear that everyone is more than ready for some milder weather to start making an appearance around these parts, and the meteorologists are hinting at some of that for next week. Don’t forget that we “Spring Forward” this weekend, and turn your clocks ahead one hour at 2:00 a.m. on Sunday (for those clocks that don’t do it themselves, anyway). Losing an hour is never fun in the moment, but it will be lovely to have that extra daylight in the afternoons!
Homework Survey - Closing Tomorrow
Thank you to everyone who has already responded! The Greenwood School Council is researching homework practices as part of their work to help improve teaching and learning. We would like to hear from families about their experiences and sent out a homework survey to gather information last Tuesday. If you have not yet had a chance to respond, there’s still time. School Council will begin to look at the results at our meeting on Tuesday and use them to determine next steps. We appreciate your feedback!
International Night
The 5th annual International Night will be held on Friday, April 5 from 6:30-8:00 p.m. at the Galvin Middle School. Hosted and sponsored by the Wakefield METCO Program and Wakefield Public Schools, this is an evening for all families and staff members to come together for an evening of cultural music, food, dancing, and learning. The Wakefield METCO Program turns 50 this year - 50 years of breaking down barriers to educational opportunities and creating rich, racially diverse learning environments for students of all backgrounds. Put it on your calendars - we hope to see many of you there to celebrate this important milestone!
Button Contest for International Night
The Greenwood 4th Grade Student Council will be visiting classrooms today and tomorrow to invite any interested students to participate in a logo design challenge for International Night. At the event, buttons will be passed out for everyone to wear...buttons designed by Wakefield students! The theme is “Celebrating Diversity” and logo button designs are due no later than March 20th to Ms. Paiva. The 4th Grade Student Council will select the top 5 drawings to move on, and the final selections will be done by the METCO Committee High School Students.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
It feels like it was just a minute ago that we were hosting fall conferences...and now here we are thinking about spring conferences! The official conference days are Wednesday, 3/27 (afternoon & evening) and Wednesday, 4/3 (afternoon). Classroom teachers are in the process of scheduling meeting times to check in with families for an update on student progress. When we work together as a school-home team, students are the winners!
Thank you for everything you do to support your children and their learning!
Tiffany Back