“Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.”
Dear Parents,
We have had a wonderful start to the school year thanks to our dedicated faculty and staff that prepared so well for our first few days of school. It is wonderful to have the halls filled with children once again and I am excited to begin a new school year. Thank you to all the families who have returned the paper work from the first day of school packets! If you have not returned these documents please do so at your earliest convenience. Be sure to keep the school updated when you change your phone number or your email address by registering for an Iparent account (email sent from Superintendent). It is important that we have current information on the primary contact for students should your child become ill. We also rely on email as a means of communication for upcoming events. If you have any questions with registering please contact Mrs. Paiva our school secretary.
A friendly reminder, we do not allow children to be dropped off at the playground prior to 8:30 a.m. as we have no adult supervision until 8:30 a.m. We also ask that parents stand behind the basketball net during our opening exercises and at dismissal in the afternoon. This allows the staff members on duty to closely monitor the children. When we have parents stand behind the lines children want to wander out of line and talk with parents and siblings and we have also had students without parents there think they can wander off toward the adults. For obvious safety reasons we kindly ask you to cooperate with this request.
When parking your car please be mindful that there is no parking in the staff parking lot at the front or back of the school. Parents must use street parking.There are students walking to and from these areas and it is unsafe to have moving vehicles during school hours. I kindly ask that all families be mindful of the two designated handicap parking spaces available at our school one at the front of the building and one at the rear. These spaces are used by our families and unless you have a handicap placard you should not park in these designated areas. This includes parents dropping off and picking up at Wakefield Academy.
Please mark your calendars: Back to School Night is scheduled for Wednesday evening September 21st beginning at 6:30 PM. At this time, teachers will review the curriculum expectations for the year with parents and answer any questions you may have about the curriculum or the children’s routines. This is an opportunity for parents to learn about expectations for your child. We ask that children do not attend this event. We look forward to seeing you all next Wednesday evening.
BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT SCHEDULE, Wednesday, September 21
6:30-6:45 PM
Welcome and staff introductions
6:45-7:20 PM
Grades K-2: Teachers present curriculum in classrooms
Grades 3-4: Art, music, PE and technology teachers present to parents in gym
7:25-8:00 PM
Grades K-2: Art, music, PE and technology teachers present to parents in the gym
Grades 3 & 4: Teachers present curriculum in classrooms
I hope your child had a fantastic first week of school and we look forward to an exciting year of learning! As always, I can be reached via email at Deborah.collura@wpsk12.org anytime or by phone. Have a wonderful week.
Deb Collura