From the Principal

Dear Parents,

It is hard to believe that September ended and that fall has arrived. It has been a very busy and exciting month here at the Greenwood School. As I visit classrooms it is clear that our teachers have done a wonderful job establishing safe learning environments for our students. The children appear to be comfortable in their classrooms with new teachers and friends and are adapting well to their classroom routines.

We have begun to administer our reading benchmark and AIMS Web assessments that will be used to inform instruction and to evaluate how well our students are currently performing in the areas of reading and mathematics. It is important that we administer these assessments several times throughout the year (fall, winter, and spring) that allow us to monitor how well our students are growing as readers and developing core math skills. We use this data to help plan instruction for students and to intervene early, when necessary, so that all students continue to become successful learners. Intervention groups are designed to be flexible and last between 10-20 weeks. We believe it is important for us to have the ability to know where all of our students are throughout the school year. Teachers will be happy to discuss your child’s reading and math progress with you should you have questions or concerns.  If you have any questions about our assessments, please feel free to contact me.  

Please know that we will conduct our annual evacuation drill Friday, October 7 at 9:00 a.m. We begin with a fire drill and then walk the children to the Most Blessed Sacrament Church located on Main St. We complete this drill under the supervision of Chief Sullivan and the Wakefield Fire Department so that in the event we need to evacuate the building, our students and faculty are familiar with the process. Should you have any questions please feel free to email me.

We encourage all students to participate in International Walk to School Day this Wednesday October 5th.

As always, I can be reached via email at anytime or by phone. Have a wonderful week.

Deb Collura