From the Principal: 10/24/22

Dear Greenwood Families,

Happy Monday!  It seems hard to believe that we still have another full week before trick or treating will be in full swing, but that’s how October always plays out in any elementary school.  I know a lot of kids are really looking forward to the Greenwood Halloween Party on Friday night - check out the information in Gator Tales if you haven’t bought your ticket yet!  

“Magnificent Monday”

Let’s have some Greenwood fun to wrap up the month of October!  On Monday, October 31st, students can celebrate a fun day together by dressing up in some wacky way, which could involve wearing their costume, or simply just sporting some seasonal fall gear, crazy hair, mismatched clothes, or a fun hat.  

Dress-up guidelines for the day:

  • Must be school-appropriate (both for costume theme and ability to do schoolwork in it)

  • No props or accessories 

  • No full-face masks

And we will once again bring our day to a close with the K-2 costume parade! The parade will begin at 2:30pm, and students will follow a route out the back door, around one big loop of the blacktop, walk around the Kindergarten side of the building, and go back in the front door to pick up backpacks, etc. before being dismissed.  Families are welcome to come and spectate - please arrange yourself outside the cones.  Our 3rd and 4th graders will join everyone outside to help cheer on our younger students.  Keep your fingers crossed for good weather - we will not hold the parade if it is raining.    



Conferences - November 9th & 16th

I’m sure everyone is looking forward to connecting with teachers and talking about how the school year is going so far!  Our first date for conferences is on Wednesday, November 9th, which is an early release day for students.  There will be time slots for afternoon conferences on that day.  Our second conference day is Wednesday, November 16th, and time slots for both afternoon and early evening conferences will be available.  The format of conferences is up to family preference.  Both in-person and Zoom conferences are options for any given time - please let your child’s teacher know which you would like to have.  Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions about this!


Greenwood School Social Media

We are on Facebook and Instagram!  Check us out - @wpsgreenwood on both Instagram and Facebook!

As always, please do not hesitate to reach out with questions.  

Thank you for everything you do to support your children and their learning!  Let’s have a great week!

Tiffany Back