Principal Back shares a lot of important information about school reopening, including safety guidelines, technology support, an update for the full remote learning cohort, a note from Ms. Doherty about medications, and some important social distance reminders for the new Greenwood Playground.
From the Principal: 9/11/20
From the Principal: 6/15/20
Greenwood School Bags to Bench Challenge
From the Principal: 6/8/20
Talking With Kids About Racism, Diversity, and Social Justice
From the Principal: 6/1/20
From the Principal: 5/18/20
From the Principal: 5/11/20
From the Principal: 5/4/20
Principal Back gives a shout out to the Greenwood staff ahead of Teacher Appreciation Week, provides some information about Class Placements for next year, shares the district Social-Emotional Team’s video with tips for families during school closure, and reminds parents to follow the Greenwood School social media accounts.
From the Principal: 4/27/20
UPDATE: Gator Gallop 5K and Kids’ Fun Run/Pledge Drive
We have made the necessary decision to officially cancel this year’s 7th annual Gator Gallop 5K, which was to be held on April 4th. However, in an effort to provide an opportunity for our students, especially this year’s 4th graders, to have the Gator Gallop experience, we will still be holding our Student Pledge Drive and Kids’ 1-Mile Fun Run — virtually, of course! Read this post for all the details.
From the Principal: 4/13/20
From the Principal: 4/6/20
Principal Back provides information about Elementary Learn Anywhere adjustments, announces the winner of the March Madness Tournament of Books, shares social-emotional learning resources from Mrs. Beardslee, Greenwood School Psychologist, and reminds parents to follow @wpsgreenwood on Instagram and Facebook to see her daily video messages, which will focus on Poetry this week.