UPDATE: Great work, Gators! Our Treats for Troop drive collected many, many pounds of Halloween candy, which the Future of Dentistry will ship to active-duty servicepeople and veterans. We also were touched to see so many handwritten notes of appreciation from the kids.
Worried your kid(s)—or worse yet, you—are going to end up eating *all* that Halloween candy from trick-or-treating? Not to worry: We are once again partnering with the Future of Dentistry to take excess treats off your hands and send them to active-duty troops and veterans. From Monday, November 4 through Wednesday, November 6, a PTO volunteer will collect candy by the playground at morning drop-off and afternoon dismissal. (To comply with military rules, please do not donate homemade or unwrapped candy.) Kids can also write a note the troops to go with the candy donations—click here for a handy template.