AuthorFest 2024 Book Orders

The 20th Greenwood School AuthorFest will take place the week of March 18th.

This annual event, sponsored by the Greenwood PTO, brings in nationally recognized authors and illustrators to share their knowledge of composition, story development, editing, illustration, and publication with our Greenwood students.

Three amazing authors will be visiting the students at Greenwood School in March: Kristine Asselin, Carol Gordon Ekster, and Sarah Lynne Reul.

Please visit the authors’ websites to learn more about them:

 Kindergarten: Sarah Lynne Reul

 First and Second Grades: Carol Gordon Ekster

 Third and Fourth Grades: Kristine Asselin

AuthorFest Book Orders

We are excited to provide an opportunity to purchase books by our authors—and to support a local bookstore, The Book Oasis in Stoneham. We’re thrilled to offer a selection of books from each visiting author. Please see the bottom of this page for a list of the books that are available and pricing. 

Books can be ordered from any of the authors, not just the one visiting your child’s class. Also consider purchasing one for another child in your life.

Orders must be placed by 5pm on Friday, March 1st. Please use the Google Form below to select your books and make any personalization requests. Payment can be made via the PayPal link on this page or via check made out to the Greenwood PTO (and sent in an envelope marked "Greenwood PTO ‐ AuthorFest" via your child's backpack).

Student Name(s)

Pay online using the link to the right. Enter your total payment amount from the order form. When you get to the Paypal screen please check the box to add processing fees to your payment.

Click here to open the form in a new window.